Kansas State University ProvisionGARD Study Results

Kansas State University’s Department of Grain Science and Industry has released video footage of a sawtoothed grain beetle study conducted using ProvsionGARD.

Ten bags, each holding 200 g of pasta, were placed in 11.4 L Sterilite brand plastic containers on May 30, 2017. Fifty unsexed adults of mixed ages of sawtoothed grain beetle were added to the container along with 10 g of rolled oats. These were labeled control (C) or ProvisionGard (PG) technology was treated with pasta packages. After three months each package was cut open and the pasta was sifted to count live and dead insects. Insects outside of packages in the plastic container were also counted.

Control: There were 78 sawtoothed grain beetle adults found outside the bags. Adult sawtoothed grain beetles were found in 7 untreated pasta bags, with a total number of 47.

Treatment: There were 64 sawtoothed grain beetle adults found outside the bags. Adult sawtoothed grain beetles were found in 2 treated pasta bags, with a total number of 6.

Less infestation was observed in the PG treated bags than the control bags, indicating PG treated bags can protect pasta from sawtoothed grain beetle infestation for at least three months. An 87% reduction in beetles found inside the package.